Individual, parent, and/or family counseling is provided at the location, frequency, and duration that best match the unique needs of students and their families. Clinicians can meet clients where it is most helpful, taking into account a student’s current level of integration in the school environment. Counseling usually takes place in person at a student’s school or home, or virtually via secure video-conferencing.

Ideally, ERMHS counseling is paired with an annual bank of hours to allow for collaboration with IEP team members, ensuring consistency and effectiveness of interventions across environments. For students, effective communication within the IEP team reduces barriers that prevent them from fully accessing and benefiting from their education.

Through individual ERMHS counseling, students learn social- and self-awareness, emotion-regulation, and coping skills that improve functioning at school and at home. ERMHS clinicians utilize evidence-based interventions to address social-emotional goals identified in the IEP, and can also support the team in developing new goals as needed.
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